+86-13571793445 selina@rxwirelinetools.com
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Baoji Ruixin Введение в работу с проволокой

Просмотры:0     Автор:Pедактор сайта     Время публикации: 2023-03-10      Происхождение:Работает

What is Defined wire work?

Wire operation is the operation of operating downhole tools by means of wire and cable wound on the winch and mechanical lifting and lowering.

The Characteristics of wire work (character)

Simple equipment

The equipment is light in weight


Simple operation

Wide application range

Easy to go down

Timely transmission of underground conditions

Operation under pressure.

The products are shown as follows:

Manufacturer - Ruixin(1)Manufacturer - Ruixin (2)Manufacturer - Ruixin (3)Manufacturer - Ruixin (4)Manufacturer - Ruixin (5)Manufacturer - Ruixin (6)Manufacturer - Ruixin(7)Manufacturer - Ruixin(8)

АДРЕС: 401B, Промышленный парк высокотехнологичного оборудования, Зона развития высоких технологий, город Баоцзи, провинция Шэньси, Китай.
WhatsApp. +86-13571793445
ЭЛ. АДРЕС: selina@rxwirelinetools.com
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